Saturday, November 7, 2009

ah HAH!

I have found the secret to success. I have reached the summit. I have found the answer to all life's problems. The cure for...ok I have done none of that. Sorry for the build up. What I have found is that my voice holds out really well if I don't work a full work week. (I have not "worked" a full week since school started. Workshops, kid sickness, no daycare, Dr.'s appts etc.) This past week I managed to work two whole days in a row. was tough but I plugged through. I was wondering why I was in full singing voice Friday afternoon as I drove home. It may be the key to my own personal success and happiness. I need to find a way to keep this pace. Any suggestions? I'm thinking sabbatical. But where? To "study" what? Hmmmmmm?

Mel out!

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