Wednesday, September 2, 2009

She's baaaack!

Sooooo.... It's not going as well as I had hoped. Therefore I have decided to return to the blog. I have very little voice stamina and it is still painful to speak. Is this some cruel joke? Payback for something I have done in my life? Maybe. I am using all of the vocal hygiene guidelines- staying hydrated, not whispering, not yelling( you know me? Do you know my kids? Do you know how I feel about dealing with incompetent individuals?) All I know is school starts next week and I can't even make it a couple of hours with social conversation or with my own two children without having pain, strain and exhaustion. I'm in trouble, I think. I do have some stress in my life still and I carry that stress in my neck and throat. Imagine feeling like someone has his hand clasped around your throat at all times. That is exactly how it feels all the time. I can't wear a crew neck t-shirt or a necklace. Anything against my neck drives me crazy. It is very frustrating. I have no idea how I will make it through the first week of school. You have to talk soooooo much the first few days. After that I will be able to work some routines that will allow me to use signals etc. but the first few days that is almost impossible. Harumph! The Doc doesn't want to see me until Oct. YIKES!

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