Sunday, July 12, 2009

aahhhhh the movies

Yep, everyone is supposed to be quiet at the movies. I felt very normal, except for when my friend Susie asked me a question and I needed to whip out my handy dandy metalic pink mini magna doodle to scribe my answer in crafty shorthand(cuz it is small enough to fit in my purse) and a 9 year old kid looked at me like I was a freak. Yeah, jealous kid-Target clearance rack $3.43.

On the up side, the young man at Starbucks chuckled at the neatly scribed-grande peppermint mocha frap please-and then felt very bad so he offered to give me my drink for free. I would not have it, no hand outs here. Thank you very much. (I had a gift card, hee hee-not my money anyhow) And when my friend Dave made a wise ass comment about my quiet nature "I can still kick UR ass" fit just nicely in the 4 X 6 magna doodle screen.

Also, it is nice to know that the good ole fashion "bird" is still the universal sign language we all carry around with us. Driving just can't be accomplished without it, it gets the job done. Those teenagers were driving slower then my grandmother on a good day and I had to get somewhere, geeesh!

Oh I got skill people, I can still do my thang! Well....sorta :(

My boys come back to me in the morning, I'm gonna squeeze them to death!

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