Sunday, July 26, 2009

Good experiment

My Intro to Psychology professor Benny Hunziker(spelling is not correct here I know) would be proud to know I continue to be fascinated by the social behavior of people. I know that it is not everyday that a woman sports a metallic pink magna doodle in a bar as she attempts to converse with her friend. But, hey...that doesn't mean she is a liar. Most people just kindly stare and nudge the person next to them "Hey look at that wack job?" or someone might come up and say "Hey whatcha drawing?" It's actually a great conversation starter if the right person comes up to you. On the other hand when a crazy drunk 60+ fella comes over and decides it is his mission in life to discredit the mute, well...that's too much. And that's how the night went, lovely conversation with friend, interruption by onlooker "What the heck is this?", lovely conversation with friend, interruption by onlooker "She must be lying I don't see a scar.", lovely conversation with friend, onlooker takes magna doodle and writes own message to me on it-Hellllloooooo I can hear I just can't talk duh? It's a whole lotta work I just don't know if it's worth it. Ugh!

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