Friday, July 10, 2009

Silent Observer

Yep, that is what is has come down to. Silent observer, that's me. Some people call it stalking but I prefer the clinical term.

Only thing worth reporting from my perch in the backyard along the scenic Erie Canal- "Duck Woman". She resembles the beloved character from Walt Disney's Mary Poppins, the Pigeon Lady. Feed the birds and all know the one.

She struts down the canal at a pace any speed walker would be jealous of. Wearing her white baseball cap, shorts and cardigan sweater. Her call is loud and proud, a screech at times for all to hear. The first day I thought she lost her dog and was calling for it but oh no... "Duckies! Here, Duckies!" Over and over again she calls. In her long skinny arms she carries two pillowcase sized satchels full of what I now know is crushed corn etc. (on my run yesterday I investigated-I am nothing if not thourough) a duck's delight. She stops every 30-40 paces at the edge of the canal waiting for her pets to answer to her call. A momma and her 3 ducklings swim over and they are pelted with no less then 12, yes 12 heavy handfuls from the pillowcases. They "duck" for cover, swim away and then try to return before the treasures sink below the surface to the fish below. They get a little, not much. Then she is off again, 30-40 paces, stop, repeat. About 45 minutes later she returns, sacks empty, broad smile accross her face. She even gave me an energetic wave yesterday. She has her job. Her purpose. She's happy.

Who am I to judge? I'm just a cute mute passing time slowly in my 3ft tall kiddie pool.

Peace out!

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